If you need to copy a Linux user account from one system to another and need to presever the password without knowing it, you can use this process.
First, create the user:
sudo useradd bob
Set group membership as required, such as appending the wheel group:
sudo usermod -a -G...Read More »
Receiving the following error, includes the message that running “apt-get update” should fix it. It doesn’t, as that command generates the same error.
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package libjpeg62 8,790 kB/s 0s
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package php-psr-http-message-implementation
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp...Read More »
rsync -nrhc --progress /home/user/source/docs/ /home/user/destination/docs/
If you think ‘destination’ includes everything in ‘source’, but want to check, the above command will tell you if this is the case. Here are the options broken down:
This is important, it tells rsync to do a dry-run. Without this option, it will actually copy...Read More »
A common requirement is to generate a random, unique and secure pre-shared key, typically for use in VPN’s. The Linux tool, APG (Automated Password Generator), is a great tool for this job, but you need to specify a few options to get the correct output.
If you just run ‘apg’, you...Read More »
If you receive the following error while performing a packet capture with tcpdump, there is a solution.
Packet size limited during capture
Simply run tcpdump with the “-s 0” flag, and this will capture the entire packet. For example:
sudo tcpdump -i any -w capture.pcap...Read More »
View certificate attributes, such as common name (domain name), subject alternate name, issued by, expiry date, issued to, etc.
openssl x509 -in cert.crt -noout -text
Check certificate and key match (no output indicates a match):
diff < (openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -noout -modulus) <(openssl rsa -in privatekey.key -noout -modulus)
Manually check certificate and key...Read More »
If you need to set multiple HTTP headers when using curl, you cannot do so by delimiting them with a CRLF or similar line break. Doing so won’t work. You must set each header within a distinct -H parameter.
The correct method:
$ curl -I https://alwaysgeeky.com -H "Host:alwaysgeeky.com" -H "cache-control:no-cache"
HTTP/1.1 200...Read More »
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